Pince & Pints – The Truffle Roll Edition

Pince & Pints
32-33 Duxton Road
Singapore 089496
Opening Hours
Mon – Fri : 5pm – 11pm (Dinner Only)
Saturdays : 12pm – 11pm (All Day)
Open on Public Holidays
Last Order for Kitchen 10pm

My partner recently found out about the new truffle lobster roll at Pince & Pints, so we made a date to try it stat. If you guys recall, I’ve tried both the steamed lobster and lobster roll at Pince & Pints. The verdict was “good, but not as good as Market Grill’s”. You guys can look at my lobster roll-off comparison here.

Anyway we went last Friday and were rewarded with a “the next table will be available in 1 hour” comment from the guys up front 😦 My partner had the temerity to suggest heading over to Latteria Mozzarella Bar instead, but I’d been looking forward to the truffle roll all week and by God I was going to leave with some in my tummy. So we accepted the 1-hour wait with equanimity and headed over next door to this Japanese restaurant for appetizers (or, as Tom Haverford calls ’em, “apps”).

Our apps turned into a full-blown dinner set, but that’s another story for another time. We got the call that our table was ready just as I was finishing my set, so off we went!

Pince & Pints Menu

The first thing I noticed was how they had raised the prices from S$48++ to S$58++! The second thing was that the truffle roll was to cost an additional S$10++. I mean, come on guys, you’re really killing me here. But no matter, we press on.

Here’s the set:

Pince & Pints Truffle Lobster Roll

It comes with the regular fries (happy to say they’re still good), a side of salad (average), some black truffle shavings atop the lobster meat, and a sauce boat – saucière, if you will – of truffle butter sauce. YUM.

Pince & Pints Truffle Lobster Roll Close-up

It was really delicious. I mean, I love truffle in most things, and the fact that the truffle sauce was on the side meant you could control how much sauce you want on your roll (rhyming purely accidental). Also the truffle butter made for a perfect dip for the fries! YUMMM. I still think the bread roll itself is just not as good as Market Grill’s in terms of texture (doesn’t hold up as well) and flavour (not as buttery, but tastes oilier), but the truffle sauce saved the meal. The lobster tasted just a little bit watery, but there was a generous serving of it so I didn’t mind so much.

Do I think it’s worth S$68? Not really :/ but it was delicious AND the only truffle roll out there at the moment (to my knowledge anyway!) so I don’t regret trying it. Definitely go for it if you love truffle, and are feeling a little bit splurgy.

I give this visit a 75%; we spent S$80 per person.Â